Dangal ng Bulacan Foundation Inc. (DBFI) 20th Anniversary

The Dangal ng Bulacan Foundation, Inc. (DBFI) celebrates its 20th Anniversary and held its Christmas Party on December 9, 2023 at the Millhouse Gastropub, Baliwag, Bulacan. Former Bulacan Governor Josefina M. Dela Cruz graces the event as the Special Guest and Keynote Speaker. DBFI is a foundation established by former awardees of the Gawad Dangal ng Lipi, the highest honor conferred by the Provincial Government of Bulacan to its outstanding sons and daughters who excelled in various fields of endeavor. It conducts charitable and other noteworthy projects for Bulakenyos through the years. In her speech, Gov. Josie, who was the main supporter of the foundation in its early years, greets the members for their twenty years of volunteerism, and challenge them to continue helping Bulakenyos in need.