The Konrad Adenauer Medal of Excellence Awarding Ceremonies
Background Information
The Konrad Adenauer Medal of Excellence (KAME) which is an award for best managed local governments in the Philippines is given by the Konrad Adenauer Foundation (KAF) and the Local Government Development Foundation (LOGODEF) every three years or during a term of a local government official. In March 1996, the Board of Trustees (BOT) of the LOGODEF conceptualized and discussed the award system. The Board formalized the program in Board of Trustees Resolution No. 63 dated February 6, 1996 and awarded the First KAME in December 1996. The Konrad Adenauer Medal of Excellence Award is to be conferred to local executives and their local governments whose leadership epitomizes the ideals, which Konrad Adenauer believed in and practiced while in public service. The Senate of the Philippines recognized KAME in Senate Resolution during the First Regular Session of the 10th Congress of the Republic of the Philippines as an important award to promote accountable local government and effective local governance.
KAME is a sister award of the Konrad Adenauer Local Government Award (KALGA) which is an international recognition award for best managed cities in East and Southeast Asian Network for Better Local Governments.
Now on December 2003, at this coming Awarding Ceremonies the KAME is going to be awarded for the third time.
10:00 – 10:10 am
Message by
Mr. Klaus Preschle, KAF-Country Representative</p
10:10 – 10:20 am
The KAME Award Selection Process
Dr. Nestor N. Pilar, Chairman, KAME National Selection Committee</p
10:20 – 10:30 am
Presentation of Awardees
Dr. Clarita R. Carlos, Member, KAME National Selection Committee</p
10:30 – 11:10 am
Awarding of KAME Plaque and Individual Medals
1) Province
Ambassador Herbert Jess with Mr. Klaus Preschle
2) City
Mr. Klaus Preschle with Dr. Colin Durkop
3) Municipality
Mr. Klaus Preschle with Dr. Nestor N. Pilar
4) Barangay
Mr. Klaus Preschle with Dr. Mariano J. Guillermo </p
11:10 – 11:30 am
Special Merit Awards given by Ambassador Herbert Jess and Secretary Jose Lina to
Governor Josefina M. dela Cruz
Vice-Gov. Aurelio S. PLamenco
Mayor Mary Jane Ortega, San Fernando City, La Union</p
11:30 – 12:10 pm
Acceptance Speech by Individual KAME Winners
Gov. Rosette Y.Lerias, Southern Leyte
Mayor Franklin M. Quijano, Iligan City
Mayor Roy M.Loyola, Carmona, Cavite
Bgy. Capt. Calixto T. Melad, Tagga, Tuguegarao City
12:10 – 12:20 pm Reflections on KAME
Mr. Ignacio Rivera, Brgy. Captain, Camp 3, Tuba, Benguet</p
12:20 – 2:00 pm Luncheon Reception
Source: Konrad Adenauer Stiftung